Club Supplies and Distribution
This department is responsible for the sale and distribution of branded merchandise suitable for use by districts, clubs and individual Lions.
- Club Store
- Club Store FAQ's
- Phone: 630-571 5466
- Contact us
The Convention Department coordinates meetings for the association including the annual international convention, and FVDG/DGE seminar.
- Phone: (630) 468-6729
- Fax: (630) 571-1689
District and Club Administration
The District and Club Administration department is responsible for manuals, e-books and webpages for district and club officers as well as the association’s 11-language translation operations.
- Phone: (630) 571-5466, ext. 6828
- Resource Center / Club Officers
The LCI Finance department provides financial services including the collection and timely posting of club and district payments; auditing and payment of district governor expense claims.
- Accounts Payable: (630) 203-3832 //
- Accounts Receivable Payments: (630) 203-3810 //
- Accounts Receivable Billing and Collections: (630) 203-3820 //
Information Technology
The Information Technology division supports LCI and LCIF staff. In addition, they create and maintain many systems that are used by Lions. For general inquiries (non-support related) can be sent to:
- Email:
- Phone: (630) 203-3844
Questions related to GDPR, privacy and security can be directed to:
- Email:
- Phone: (630) 203-3838
Leadership Development
The Leadership Development Division provides leadership development programs, learning opportunities and resources for current and future Lions leaders at the club, district, multiple district and international levels. For more information on available Leadership Development programs and resources, visit
- Phone: (630) 468-7033
The Legal team manages the association's worldwide trademark registrations; provides oversight and support of the association’s global insurance program, risk management and litigation; and provides guidance on the Board Policy Manual and International Constitution and By-Laws.
- Phone: (630) 571-5466, ext. 3847
Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF)
LCIF administers a variety of grantmaking programs to support LCI’s global causes. In addition, LCIF fundraises and processes donations and donor recognition to support this grantmaking. For a complete list of contact information by department, visit Contact LCIF.
- Phone: (630) 203-3836
LION Magazine
Behind every project that a Lions Club takes on, there’s a story to be told. These stories filled with challenges, hope and the joy of serving others. Lion magazine brings those stories to life so we can inspire the world through the power of service. LION Magazine offers print and digital issues. Stories can be submitted to LION Magazine by emailing the address below.
- Recent Issues
- Phone: (630) 468-6798 or (630) 468-7130
- Fax: 630-203-3784
Membership Development
The Membership Division supports membership development through the chartering of new clubs, recruitment of new members, and enhancing member satisfaction. The division empowers Lions and Leos to achieve this through program development, promoting new and existing initiatives, provide training, developing and promoting resources to support membership development, and incentivize membership development through awards programs.
- Phone: (630) 468-6734
Member Service Center
The Lions Clubs International Member Service Center strives to provide prompt, excellent service to all Lions. This department can assist you with any of your new clubs, membership, or technical support needs.
- Phone: 630-571 5466
- Contact us
Administers the LION Magazine, videos and PSAs, biographical information, Peace Poster Contest, advertising, PR grants, billboards, logos, social media, e-Clubhouse websites and the website.
- Phone: (630) 468-6817
- For PR Inquiries:
- LION Magazine:
- Peace Poster Contest:
- website –
Service Activities
The Service Activities Division develops programs and resources to help Lions and Leos increase their service impact. This includes Global Advocacy, Service Programs, and Volunteer Engagement and Events.
- Phone: (630) 571-5466
- General inquiries:
- Service Programs:
- Global Advocacy:
- Lions Day with the United Nations:
- Youth Camps and Exchange:
Technical Support
Technical support for MyLion, MyLCI and e-clubhouse is provided through our Member Service Center. You can request technical support by calling the number below or submitting a request via the link below.
- Phone: (630) 468-6900
- Contact us
U.S. Member Service Center
1-630-468-6900 (Technical Support)
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM (CST)
India Regional Office
Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM (IST)
Japan Regional Office
+81-50-1791-5820 (Japanese)
+81-3-6811-7145 (English)
Hours: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM (JST)