Knowledge Base
- Can my LCIF Facebook fundraiser donations apply towards my MJF/PMJF?
- I am interested in making a charitable donation to LCIF. What are the possibilities?
- What is the donation process?
- Do donations fund administrative expenses or do 100 percent of donations go toward program services?
- How does LCIF compare to other charitable organizations?
- How can I learn more about LCIF's financial efficiency?
North America Membership Initiative
- How do I contact the Young Lions Task Force?
- Can you send me information about the SWOT planning session (or district analysis or district goal setting)?
- Where can I find materials for the Build a Team (or Build a Vision or Build a Plan or Build Success) meeting?
- I would like to host a North America Membership Initiative planning session for my district. Can I apply for a membership grant to cover the costs?
- How will the North America Membership Initiative help me achieve my district goals?
- Can you sign up my district to participate in the North America Membership Initiative?
- What approvals are required when a club adds 30+ members in a calendar month?
- Division Contact Information
- What is the Progressing Melvin Jones Fellowship?
- What is the Melvin Jones Fellowship and how can I qualify and apply for it?
- Where can I find the most current Lions Clubs International Logo and Emblems?
- How can I apply for assistance with my eyeglasses or hearing aids?